After reading this Blog, " On Repetition and Unglamorous Teaching" By Gretchen Oertli, I was in shock at how much I could relate to this teacher. How she mentions having to repeat the same thing every five seconds or even thinking her day would go smoothly and how she planned. It was very enlightening as a student teacher to know it wasn't just me who thought that was happening. It also felt good to read that she struggled with consistency through out her day, I know at times I tend to forget things but do my best to remember what each class needs to know. These are some good questions to answer
Is teaching what you thought it would be? Give examples.
A.) If i'm speaking honestly teaching is what I expected from doing high school, middle school and elementary. I often have students who ask when things are due even after just saying something, or ask me what specifically they are suppose to be doing. That's more middle school though. For the most part I am consistent, but someday's I find myself mentioning something once and forgetting, or forgetting it the first time and mentioning it to another period. Needless to say, as student teacher, this is over all what I expected.
Is there a day or time that started out one way but ended up with a pleasant surprise?
A.)I did have a day where things started out very stressful, due to trying to meet deadlines, and make sure the students were on task. However on that day my 7th period, which is normally my most chaotic period (for obvious reasons), and surprisingly were very calm that day, it made my day smoother.
Is there a time when you talked about a sensitive topic?
A.) I haven't yet within any of my class periods, however I have in my ARED course when presenting projects. We did a Day of The Dead project involving pets, and sadly it got a bit emotional for some people.
Is there a time when you saw a student make a connection that indicated a success for you? A.) Yes, Having students come and talk to me about their day always indicates a success for me. It makes me feel like i've truly connected with them and see that they trust me enough to tell me when their day is going bad, and that they need someone to talk to. I have one student who tells everyday about some home repair projects or DIY projects he's doing at home. It makes me smile that the connection we have allows us to talk about that stuff freely.